Tuesday 29 May 2007

Tuesday 29th May – 53 days

Chapter 9: The Dark Mark
In this chapter... All the Weasley family, Harry and Hermione go back to their tents, still talking what a magnificent match it was. That night, when everybody is asleep, pandemonium breaks out on the campground.. The Muggle campground manager and his family are being taunted and jinxed by wizards and witches. Mr. Weasley sends them off into the forest so he can go and help rescue the Muggles.
In the forest, Harry is dismayed to find he’s lost his wand, leaving him feeling very vulnerable. Draco Malfoy is also in the forest – he enjoys taunting Hermione – calling her a Mudblood (not from a pure-blood wizarding family) and telling her to look out for herslef. Harry suspects that Mr Malfoy are with the group of witches and wizards, taunting the Muggles.
Suddenly they hear a low voice hidden in the dark behind them utter an incantation. A gigantic skull made out of stars shoots into the sky, and terror breaks loose on the grounds. Diozens of witches and wizards have Apparated right next to Harry, Ron and Hermione and are shooting Stunning spells through the trees. Barty Crouch accuses Harry of conjuring the Dark Mark, which is Voldemort’s sign. Things get even more confusing when it’s later discovered that Crouch’s house-elf, Winky, was Stunned and was carrying Harry’s wand.
The Triio know that Winky didn’t conjure the Mark, but Crouch fires her anyway. When they get back to the campsite Harry discovers it was Death Eaters who were tormenting the Muggles. With much on his mind, it takes Harry a long time to fall asleep.

Three days ago – it felt like much longer, but it had only been three days – he had awoken with his scar burning. and tonight for the first time in thirteen years, Lord Voldemort’s mark had appeared in the sky. What did these things mean?

Who says he is about to become the youngest ever Minister of Magic to a couple of Veelas? Stan Shunpike

Chapter 10: Mayhem At The Ministry
In this chapter... Harry and the Weasley’s return to The Burrow, the next day. Mrs. Weasley in a frantic state, and she is overjoyed that they’re not dead. Mr Weasley, however, goes right back to work – there is a lot of work to be done. Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet spreads rumors that bodies were discovered at the World Cup. The Ministry is in complete mayhem over the appearance of the Dark Mark
The Trio start to pack up their belongings to go back to school. Mrs. Weasley brings in their school supplies she picked up for them in Diagon Alley. Ron is horrified at the dress robes she picked out for him. They’re very old, moldy, and tattered – they are obviously second hand. He gets upset about being poor all the time, and shoves the robes angrily into his bag. Mrs Weasley got Harry a set a set of dress robes too, though his look more like fancy school robes, only green

“Now, Mum,” said Fred looking up at her, a pained look on his face. “If the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died, how would you feel to know that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?”

What is special about the clock at the Weasley's home? It keeps track of the Weasley’s

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