Thursday 10 May 2007

Thursday 11th May - 71 days

Chapter 13, Nicolas Flamel

Harry is sure he has heard the name Nicholas Flamel before – or read it. . We learn Snape is going to be refereeing the upcoming Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. Gryffindor has the opportunity to take the lead from Slytherin in the house cup. Surely Snape is not a fair referee for this game? Malfoy and his cronies bully Neville, and put the “Jelly Leg jinx” on him. Harry tells him that he is worth twelve of Draco. And gives Neville the last of his Christmas supply of Chocolate Frogs. Harry looks at the back of a chocolate frog card and discovers *gasp!* that he DOES know who Nicholas Flamel is! Nicholas Flamel, with Albus Dumbledore mad the Philosopher’s Stone. This stone has legendary powers. It will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. Nicolas is 665, and lives in Kent with his wife, Perenelle. At the Quidditch match, Neville stands up for himself for the first time against Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Harry manages to catch the snitch in a spectacular dive, and ends the Quidditch match more quickly than anyone can remember. As Snape leaves the match, Harry follows him into the Forbidden Forest.... where he sees Snape bullying Quirrell. So whose side is this dude on, anyway?

“Hermione, who had all her fingers crossed in her lap, was squinting fixedly at Harry, who was circling the game like a hawk, looking for the Snitch. [...] Hermione stood up, her crossed fingers in her mouth, as Harry streaked toward the ground like a bullet.”

What potion will make the drinker immortal? The Elixir of Life

Chapter 14, Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

The trio begins to make frequent detours by the third floor to make sure Fluffy is "still growling inside" and encouraging Quirrel in whatever ways are possible. Exams are around the corner. While the trio is studying in the library, Hagrid walks in, hiding something in his coat. Ron is able to give Hermione & Harry a bit more information about dragons and their legal status – dragon breeding is banned in England. It attracts to much attention from Muggles.. The trio find that Hagrid is hatching a dragon egg. Hagrid brought the egg in the Hog’s Head pub, in Hogsmeade from a Greek chappie. They go to Hagrid's hut to see the dragon hatch, but Malfoy peeps through the window. Hagrid names the Dragon Norbert. Ron arranges for Norbert to go to Romania & live with Charlie, but in the meantime is bitten by the dragon and has to go and spend time in the hospital wing, tended by Madam Pomfrey. Hagrid gets Norbert ready to go on the journey, even packing his teddy bear "in case he gets lonely." Malfoy is caught wandering around by McGonagall, and reprimanded for telling "lies." Norbert is transported safely away, and Hermione and Harry couldn't be much happier...until they were caught by Filch on the way down after forgetting the invisibility cloak...

“Bless him, look, he knows his mummy!”

Who caught Harry, Hermione and Ron as they walked down the tower? Filch the caretaker

Chapter 15, The Forbidden Forest

Harry believes that life couldn't get any worse..... until Professor McGonagall brings in Neville, who has been searching for Harry to warn him about Malfoy. The group loses 150 points for Gryffindor, which puts them in last place for the house cup. Harry overhears Quirrel being threatened, and while he doesn't see anything, he assumes that Snape has just left the room as well. Harry, Hermione, & Neville are instructed to meet Filch in the entrance to serve their detentions. Malfoy meets them there, and appears to be nearly as scared as Neville. Hagrid takes them into the forest without Filch, and takes them to unicorn blood that he has found in the forest. While with Hagrid & Hermione, Harry meets Ronan & Bane, centaurs, for the first time. Neville sends up red sparks because Malfoy as scared him, and the children are re-grouped. Harry continues with Draco & Fang. Harry's scar hurts for the first time as a robed figure, which had been standing over the murdered unicorn, lurches toward him. Firenze charges the figure, and allows Harry to ride on his back to safety. Bane is unhappy with Firenze's decision – he doesn’t like humans riding on centaurs – but Firenze takes him to Hagrid and the others. Harry and the others are safely taken back to the castle, where Harry tells the others of his realization that it is Voldemort who kills the unicorns. Finally, as the group heads to bed, Harry finds his invisibility cloak folded, with a note attached.

“I want Fang,” said Malfoy, quickly, looking at Fang’s long teeth.
“All right, but I warn yeh, he’s a coward,” said Hagrid.

What creature is said to be very knowing of magical healing, astronomy, archery, and divination? Centaur

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