Monday 14 May 2007

Monday 14th May – 68 days to go

Chapter 7: Mudbloods And Murmurs
In this chapter... Harry is used to hero-worship from some of the students. One of the new first years, , little Colin Creevey, follows everywhere, constantly taking photographs of Harry with his Muggle camera. Oliver Wood, the Quidditch captain for Gryffindor organises an early morning pratice. Harry and the whole Gryffindor team are dismayed to find out that Draco Malfoy is Slytherin’s new Seeker and bought his whole team brand new brooms – Nimbus Two Thousand and One’s. Draco calls Hermione a terrible word, “Mudblood”. Ron tries to curse Malfoy with his broken wand and ends up cursing himself. He ends up burping slugs. Harry and Ron learn what their detentions are, and who they will be doing it with. Ron is to clean silver, in the trophy room, with Argus Filch, the caretaker who hates the students. While Harry is going to be helping Professor Lockheart respond to his fan mail. As Harry is in Professor Lockheart’s office, he hears a strange, whispery voice that Lockhart can’t hear at all.

“Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born – you know, non-magic parents. There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else because they’re what people call pure-blood.”

What did Professor Lockhart offer to help Hagrid with? Getting kelpies out of a well

Chapter 8: The Deathday Party

In this chapter... Harry is heading from a rain-soaked Quidditch practice when he meets with the Gryffindor ghost, Nearly Headless Nick. Nick is disappointed that his request to join the Headless Hunt – run by Sir Patrick Delany Podmore – has been refused as he is not properly headless. Harry is caught by Filch, the caretaker, and dragged into his office. A commotion from the floor above – Filch guesses the culprit is Peeves the poltergeist - takes Filch from the office. Harry reads a pamphlet on Filch’s desk for Kwikspell. It would seem that Filch is looking into learning magic through a correspondence course - but of course, it's probably "for a friend". Filch returns, planning his punishment for Peeves – apparently Peeves has damaged a valuable vanishing cabinet – when he notices that Harry has been reading his mail. Embarrassed, he chases Harry from his office. When Nearly Headless Nick, gets Harry out of trouble with Filch – he persuaded Peeves to cause a diversion – Harry agrees to come to Nick’s deathday party on Halloween night, with Ron and Hermione. When he, Ron, and Hermione show up, it’s creepy and uncomfortable and full of other ghosts. We meat Moaning Myrtle, who haunts the girl’s bathroom. When the trio manage to escape the party, Harry again hears the scary voice in the walls. Even though Ron and Hermione are right next to him, they don’t hear the voice. The voice whispers about killing someone. They enter a hallway where they’re shocked to find a message written in red, proclaiming the Chamber of Secrets to be opened again, and Filch’s cat, Mrs. Norris, frozen and dead looking. Before the three of them can decide what to do, other people begin to arrive, and the scene couldn't look any worse for our heroes. The stunned silence is broken by an emphatic cry from Draco Malfoy, "Enemies of the Heir, Beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!"

Wooden filing cabinets stood around the walls; from their labels, Harry could see that they contained details of every pupil Filch had ever punished. Fred and George Weasley had an entire drawer to themselves.

What potion did Madam Pomfrey use to help cure colds at Hogwarts? Pepperup Potion

Chapter Nine: The Writing on the Wall

In this chapter... Dumbledore showsthe trio intoLockhart’s office, with Professors Mcgonagall, Snape and Lockheart. Harry is strangely reluctant to tell him about the voice only he can hear. Over the next few days, everybody is talking about the Chamber of Secrets. In their History of Magic class, Professor Binns tells them that the legend of the Chamber goes back centuries. The four founders of Hogwarts were Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godic Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin. Apparently Slytherin built a secret chamber within the school and sealed a monster inside it magically. No one but Slytherin’s true heir would be able to open the chamber, but once they did the monster would purge the school of all half-bloods. Harry begins to think that Malfoy might be the Heir of Slytherin, and they quickly come up with a plan to find out. They’re going to try to make Polyjuice Potion, which will make them look like someone else, and sneak into the Slytherin Common Room to listen in on Malfoy.

Ginny Weasley seemed very disturbed by Mrs. Norris’s fate. According to Ron, she was a great cat lover.

Why does Ron not like spiders? Fred turned his teddy bear into a spider when he was three

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