Sorry I haven't updated this blog for about two months! Nothing much new in "Jane's world", excpet that Mum has had a few health problems. She had a blood clot in her leg ten years ago, after a big operation, and she had another one about three years ago. The Clot can be treated with tablets, regular blood tests thankfully. She developed another one in her leg, so this time it looks as if she'll be on tablets for life, and with regular blood tests. But she's managing the clots, that is the most important thing!
The "Princes" are absolutely fine, can not believe that William will be hitting three years old in about two months - I'd love to know where time goes. Young Elliot is also in fine form - he is never still, runs everywhere, and a proper comedian. Their daddy is in the army and if off to Afghanistan tomorrow, we're not sure how long for, but this time he's going to be working on the ground. We all hope he'll be fine.
More updates eventually :-D